Global & Culturally Relevant

These days we are enthralled with NFL Football. Who will be the Champion? At the same time, our brothers and sisters on the Continent are equally enthralled with the Africa Cup of Nations Football Tournament. The difference? The football celebrated on the Continent is also known as soccer here in the US. The Africa Cup of Nations is widely anticipated in all 54 nations on the Continent just as the Super Bowl is here in the US. We bring these exciting sports cultures together through the lens of sports insiders. Rodney Knox is an experienced Sports Marketing Executive having held posts at the San Francisco 49ers, Nike and consulted the Black Players Association of the MLS.
This is an excerpt from a fascinating discussion with renowned author, journa;ist and entrepreneur Darryl James as we reflect on the transforation of Snoop Dogg
Live from Ghana, We are broadcasting from New Ningo, Ghana West Africa as we connect with Brother Jerry Johnson, founder of the African Ancestral Wall, Bra Jerry moved to Ghana from Long Beach nearly 20 years ago. He founded and created and= awesome cultural destination that is steeped in consciousness, history, focus and inclusiveness all at the same time… This is an essay on our visit to the African Ancestral Wall in Ghana West Africa…

We are talking about the 50th anniversary of hiphop with producer Dwayne “Muffla” Simon… he is responsible for hits like “I need Love” and more.. listen as we talk about the culture…
Fascinating discussion on HipHop publications and a sidebar on politics in the land. Darryl James is a Pblisher, Author, Entrepreneur. Back in the day he founded RapSheet the first HipHop Newspaper. This is rich history…

As Board President of the Arts Council for Long Beach, we participated in the Californians for the Arts Advocay event in the State Capitol. These are the sights and sounds
So much going on in the land. Our rights are being assaulted and we are forced to reassert our civil rights. I the Black Church dialed in? Rev. Kelvin Sauls comes through to sip coffee with us and cintemplate. Pastor Sauls is a PrHow are we gressive, Prophetic and Pan-African clergyman engages in trans-national and emancipatory faith-rooted community organizing at the intersection of South Los Angeles and South Africa.
Sadiki Bakari Joins us to discuss AI and emerging technologies and how we should process these changes in our community.

The Port of Long Beach hosts a contest wherein photographjers from the region are selected by lottery system to get on a boat and tour the Port. The assignment is to take pics of the sights in the Port. Then the photographers picked thier best three, submitted them to the Port, where they were reviewed by a panel of judges. Cash Prizes awarded to the best as selected by the judges. All of the owrks of the photographers are disp[layed in a gallery setting in the lobby of the Port Building in Downtown Long Beach. Now in it’s tenth year, the Port of Long Beach Photo Tour is administered by the Arts Council for Long Beach. as Board President, I was honored to gain the opportunity to ride along during the tour. This is my journal of the experience.

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