California Students See Gains in Attendance, Graduation

California Black Media Network

The newly released 2024 California School Dashboard reveals significant progress in student outcomes across the state, reflecting the impact of targeted interventions and investments in education.

Chronic absenteeism dropped by 16.7% compared to last year, indicating that schools are making strides in re-engaging students. Meanwhile, graduation rates climbed to 86.4% for the class of 2024—the highest recorded since 2017—demonstrating a growing trend of academic resilience and recovery following the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Over 51% of the graduating class met the eligibility requirements for University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) admissions, a key indicator of college readiness. This shows a positive shift toward greater access to higher education and reflects ongoing efforts to support academic achievement among California’s students.

“Across California, we’re seeing that when we provide for the most vulnerable in our communities, all students reap the rewards,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond. “Yet, we know there is still much work to be done to ensure every student has the support and resources needed to succeed.”

The Dashboard highlights gains in college and career readiness for historically underserved groups, such as Black and Native American students, signaling progress in narrowing long-standing equity gaps.

However, the report also sheds light on areas requiring urgent attention, such as persistent disparities in suspension rates for Black students and foster youth.

“Today’s Dashboard results show California continuing to make important strides in post-pandemic recovery,” said California State Board of Education President Linda Darling-Hammond. “We are also supporting stronger gains for students who have been furthest from opportunity for many years. This progress is encouraging, but there is still critical work ahead to ensure equity for every child.”

The Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of key metrics, including academic performance, absenteeism, graduation rates, and college/career readiness. It serves as a tool for educators, policymakers, and families to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement.

For an in-depth look at the data and analysis, visit the 2024 California School Dashboard online.