Beach City Perspective and Pedal Movement team up to bring Long Beach Bike Safety Festbrings valuable Bike Safety to Bike Safety information, free helmets, bike raffle
In these days of recovery, we are mindful that Long Beach is a bicycle friendly city and safety is a priority, To that end, we are committed to making sure that all communities have access to vital safety resources and information. That;s why we are so excited that the California department of Transportation Caltrans HQ and Pedal Movement to host the Long Beach Bike Safety Fest. Friday. September 30. After School.. 2pm to 6:30ish at the renowned Houghton Park and get great safety tips from bicycle experts and safety advocates, Bring your bikes.. have some fun and win prizes.. get a free helmet (while supplies last) and commune with your bicycle community. Friday, September 30 at Houghton Park.. 6301 Myrtle Avenue in North Long Beach… #gosafely #bikelivesmatter